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Introduced8 May 1989; 35 years ago (8 May 1989)
TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
SponsorNational Internet Exchange of India
Intended useEntities connected with India
Actual useVery popular in India. Liberalisation of registration rules in 2005 led to a large increase in registrations including overseas registrations.
Registered domains3 million+ (May 2022)[1][2]
Registration restrictionsNo restrictions on who can register second-level domains or most third-level domains; various specific restrictions under some of those specialised subdomains.
StructureMay register at the second level or at the third level beneath generic-category 2nd-level domains
Dispute policies.IN Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (INDRP)
Logo for .भारत, (romanized as .bhārata)
Introduced5 February 2011; 14 years ago (5 February 2011)[3]
TLD typeInternationalised (Devanagari) country code top-level domain
SponsorNational Internet Exchange of India
Intended useEntities connected with
Actual useGetting popular in India.
Registration restrictionsDevanagari script.
Also comply with certain Devanagari Phonological rules; restrictions under some specialized subdomains like सरकार.भारत (≈ and विद्या.भारत (≈
StructureMay register at the second level or at the third level beneath generic-category 2nd-level domains.
DNS namexn--h2brj9c
Registry websiteरजिस्ट्री.भारत (registry.bhārata)

.in is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for India. It was introduced in May 1989. It is currently administered by the National Internet Exchange of India.

  1. ^ "Registry.In | .IN is India's Country Code Top Level domain (ccTLD)". IN Registry. National Internet Exchange of India. Retrieved 1 May 2022.
  2. ^ Agarwal, Surabhi; Alawadhi, Neha (27 July 2016). "IT Ministry plans ad campaign to promote .in domain name". The Economic Times. Retrieved 23 July 2017.
  3. ^ ".भारत - TLDpedia".


Contract period 1 Year
Registration 17.90 €
Transfer 17.90 €
Renew 17.90 €
Owner change Free
WHOIS privacy Not available
Transfer lock Available