NUXOA | Kundenbereich        


Introduced2 December 1992
TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
RegistryCaucasus Online
SponsorCaucasus Online
Intended useEntities connected with  Georgia
Actual usePopular in Georgia
Registration restrictionsAvailable to persons and companies located worldwide
StructureRegistrations are available directly at second level as well as at third level beneath some second-level domains
DocumentsRules and conditions
Introduced20 January 2016 (open to the public on 20 July 2016)
TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
Intended useEntities connected with  Georgia, domain names preferably using the Georgian Mkhedruli script
Registry websitexn--lodaehvb5cdik4g.xn--node
Preview warning: Page using Template:Infobox top level domain with unknown parameter "background"

.ge is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Georgia.


Contract period 1 Year
Registration 123.90 €
Transfer 123.90 €
Renew 123.90 €
Owner change Free
WHOIS privacy Not available
Transfer lock Available