NUXOA | Kundenbereich        


Introduced3 June 1992
TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
SponsorCENIA Internet (CITMATEL)
Intended useEntities connected with Cuba
Actual useVery popular in Cuba
Registered domains7,882 (10 July 2023)[1]
Registration restrictionsLimited to people and companies located in Cuba; 3rd-level registrations may have other limitations based on which 2nd-level domain they are within
StructureMay register at second level or beneath generic 2nd-level categories at 3rd level
Dispute policiesNone
Registry websiteCUBANIC

.cu is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Cuba.

  1. ^ "Estadísticas". CUBANIC. Retrieved 2023-07-10.


Contract period 1 Year
Registration 903.90 €
Transfer 903.90 €
Renew 903.90 €
Owner change Free
WHOIS privacy Not available
Transfer lock Available