NUXOA | Kundenbereich        


Introduced13 October 1997
TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
RegistryeNIC (a VeriSign company)
SponsorIsland Internet Services
Intended useEntities connected with Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Actual useVaried site topics; few sites relate to the islands
Registration restrictionsNone
StructureRegistrations permitted at second level
DocumentsRegistration agreement
Dispute policiesUDRP
Registry websiteVerisign .cc Registry

On the Internet, .cc is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, an Australian territory.


Contract period 1 Year
Registration 11.90 €
Transfer 11.90 €
Renew 11.90 €
Owner change Free
WHOIS privacy Not available
Transfer lock Available