NUXOA | Kundenbereich        


Introduced16 July 1997
TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
StatusActive NIC, operated by DrukNet, a service of Bhutan Telecom
SponsorMinistry of Information and Communication (Bhutan)
Intended useEntities connected with Bhutan
Actual usePopular in Bhutan
Registration restrictionsInternational registration possible, but registrant must provide proof of documents qualifying for registration, like a registered trade license along with an application with the company’s letterhead and seal.[1]
StructureRegistrations are available at direct third level and direct second-level labels

.bt is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the Kingdom of Bhutan. It is administered by the Ministry of Information and Communication.

  1. ^ "Domain Registration". bt.nic. 2022-12-11. Archived from the original on 2022-09-28. Retrieved 2022-12-11.


Contract period 1 Year
Registration 277.90 €
Transfer 277.90 €
Renew 277.90 €
Owner change Free
WHOIS privacy Not available
Transfer lock Available