NUXOA | Kundenbereich        


Introduced23 September 1987
TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
RegistryNIC Argentina
SponsorGovernment of Argentina (SLyTP)
Intended useEntities connected with Argentina
Actual useVery popular in Argentina
Registered domains670,633 (November 2022)[1]
Registration restrictionsMust have contact with address in Argentina, but registrant may be foreign; some subdomains have particular restrictions
StructureRegistrations are at third level beneath second level labels
DocumentsGovernment resolution on domain registration
Registry website
Preview warning: Page using Template:Infobox top level domain with unknown parameter "background"

.ar is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Argentina, administered by NIC Argentina.

  1. ^ "Estadísticas | NIC Argentina". NIC Argentina. 10 December 2022. Archived from the original on 7 December 2022. Retrieved 10 December 2022.


Contract period 1 Year
Registration 180.90 €
Transfer 180.90 €
Renew 180.90 €
Owner change Free
WHOIS privacy Not available
Transfer lock Available